Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Today's featured artists are Gavin and Erin of Dinner Time Charms

Who are you?

We’re Dinner Time Chimes (a.k.a. Gavin & Erin)

Where are you located?

We’re located in eastern North Carolina.

What do you create?

We create windchimes from discarded silverplate silverware, hence the shop name, in addition to other silverware creations. We’ve recently added other recycled items for your home as well (birdhouses and bird feeders).

Are you able to support yourself with your creations?

The Etsy shop is just a way to sell the things that we enjoy making, I don’t see it becoming a full-time job any time soon.

Where do you sell your creations?

In addition to local stores and craft shows, our creations are sold online at DinnerTimeChimes

Where do you create?

Most of the work is done outside or in the workshop, but the silver polishing is done while watching TV to make it seem like less of a chore!

What inspires you?

The smiles when people take a good look at the windchime or birdhouse and realize what it’s actually made from.

What are your goals?
Our current goal revolves around bird houses. We’ve started deconstruction of an old barn, and we are using that wood to create blue bird houses. Keep your eyes open for new and exciting additions to our Etsy shop & displays at the craft shows this summer.
What do you friends and family think of your creations?
Our families enjoy seeing the new creations. They’re also a huge help when it comes to finding more silverware for the windchimes. On the other hand, friends find our creations unusual. They will admit that it’s neat how we’ve transformed one person’s trash into something even they would like to receive as a gift!
What do you do when you are not creating?
If we’re not creating something for the Etsy store, we’re probably working in our garden.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I am just another wannabe Photographer in the worldwide wonderland.
I sell my stuff mainly on zazzle.
But supporting myself from that?
Nope, not yet ;)

What inspires me is nature, not matter what kind, big sunrises or small bugs, all fine with me ;)

Take care :)!